Website Policy

This website (hereinafter referred to as "this Site") is operated by SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. (以下简称“公司”)或其代理人. 在使用本网站之前,请仔细阅读以下内容并同意遵守.
本公司及其关联公司运营的其他网站均链接至本网站. 请注意,在使用这些网站时, 您还必须同意使用条款, 其中还包括在网站内发布的网站政策. 以下内容如有更改,恕不另行通知.


The Company will not be liable in any way in the event of damage being caused to a customer or a third party by the commission of any of the following prohibited acts.

  1. 1an act that infringes or may infringe the assets or privacy of a third party or the Company
    (for example, using or providing a computer virus or other type of harmful computer program)
  2. 2a malicious act such as tampering with this Site or turning this Site into a jump server
  3. 3作虚假的声明或通知, for example, 注册属于另一个人的电子邮件地址
  4. 4损害公司或第三方声誉或信誉的行为
  5. 5其他违反或者可能违反法律、条例、法规的行为
  6. 6公司认为不适当的其他行为


本公司提供的资料(例如, documents, photos, illustrations and videos; hereinafter referred to as "Content") is protected by the copyright laws, 各国条约及其他法律. Reproduction, diversion, etc. 未经允许,不得擅自转载内容.
Downloading of Content of this Site to a personal computer by customers shall be considered as "reproduction for private use" recognized under the Copyright Act. However, use of the downloaded Content is limited to the customer or his/her family members. 即使是客户下载了内容, 允许第三方(例如, a company) to use the Content, 不论是否用于商业目的, 是否被禁止在使用范围之外. 本公司不授予客户使用版权的权利, patent rights, 商标权和与内容有关的其他知识产权.

Trademark rights

The trade names, trademark registration, and logos of the Company, 其关联公司和在本网站显示的第三方(例如, "SEKISUI", "SEKISUI HEIM", "Two-U Home", "ESLON" etc. ) are protected by the Commercial Code, the Trademark Act, the Unfair Competition Act and other laws. These trade names, trademark registration, and logos cannot be used without the explicit permission of the holder of these rights.


  1. 1想要连结到本网站的人士
    您可以自由地直接链接到本网站的任何网页, 只要您遵守使用限制. 当您链接到本网站时,您不需要与十大赌博娱乐平台联系.
    The URL or the Content in the link you have linked to this Site may change without prior notice (for example, (当本网站的配置改变时). Therefore, there is no guarantee that the URL you link to this Site will exist permanently or that the content in the link will be maintained in the way intended by the person who has linked to this Site.
  2. 2给浏览本网站的人士
    The contents of third party websites other than those linked to the Company's website (hereinafter referred to as "link sites") are not under the control of the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the contents of link sites or for damage caused by the use of such link sites.

The fact that a link to this Site exists does not mean that the Company endorses use of link sites, or any of the products, services or companies etc. described by the link sites, or that the Company has a special relationship with the link sites.

Recommended environment

本网站已在以下环境中进行验证. 由于您的浏览器设置,本网站可能无法正确显示内容, 即使在非推荐环境或推荐环境中使用.

  • Windows:Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0及以上版本、Firefox最新版本、Google Chrome最新版本
  • Macintosh:Safari最新版本


本网站提供的内容使用视频和动画,并以PDF文件格式. Plug-in software (external software that extends functions not provided by a standard browser) is required to use this Content.


本网站使用JavaScript来增加便利性和易用性. 如果浏览器设置中没有启用JavaScript, 本网站可能无法正常运作或无法正确显示内容.


This Site uses Secure Socket Layer(SSL)/Transport Layer Security(TLS) encrypted communication to protect your personal information. In this way, 当您发送或接收此类信息时,您的个人信息将被加密, 以便您可以放心地使用本网站.
如果您使用的浏览器不支持SSL/TLS, 您可能无法进入本网站或在本网站输入信息.


Cookies are small pieces of information related to the operation of this Site sent by servers. cookie被生成并临时存储在客户的个人电脑上, mobile terminals and the like.


  • 这样十大赌博娱乐平台就可以为每一位客户提供最佳的网站展示, 及方便浏览本网站
  • So that we can gain a statistical understanding of browsing activity on this Site for the purpose of improving this Site

You can, however, 取决于您的浏览器设置, 拒绝接收cookie或在收到cookie时收到警告. Even in these cases, 浏览本网站没有主要障碍, 但使用互联网上的各种服务可能会受到限制.

This Site uses Google Analytics to gain a statistical understanding of the browsing activity on this Site.
Google Analytics uses cookies to gather anonymously information and aggregate site trend data without identifying individual customers.


为客户提供更好的服务, the information obtained through our website will be used in combination with the personal information of customers in our possession. 在这种情况下,个人信息的使用将被限制在 the purposes of use,并且只在执行十大赌博娱乐平台的业务所必需的范围内.


十大赌博娱乐平台在本网站发布信息时非常小心. However, 十大赌博娱乐平台不能保证功能不会中断, that errors will not arise, 任何缺陷都会被修复, or that there are no computer viruses and other harmful materials within this Site or server etc., and we give no guarantee at all with regard to the documents and their contents on this Site. In the unlikely event that damage has been caused to a customer by the use of information, 或无法使用信息或本网站, 本公司不承担任何责任. 请在使用本网站之前确认这一点.
本网站的资料如有更改,恕不另行通知. 本网站的运作也可能被暂停或中断. 请在使用本网站之前确认这一点.
The Company shall not be liable in any way for any damage caused by the changing of information or interruption or discontinuation of the operation of this Site.

Revised August 2019

Use of social media

"Social media" refers to all external platform services that allow individuals or organizations to communicate interactively through the Internet. The Company primarily uses social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter and video sharing sites such as YouTube.
To enable the Company to increase the level of customer convenience and gain a deeper understanding of the Company, 公司将发送信息,但不会, as a general principle, 通过社交媒体网站传播信息时进行回复.
Please also be aware that the Company may delete your posts or block your account without notice for posts and comments that do comply with public order and morals.
Not all information transmitted by our social media site necessarily represents our official announcements and views. 有关官方公告的信息在本网站和新闻稿中提供.

Social media disclaimer

  • The Company shall not be liable in any way for any act performed using information from the Company's social media.
  • The Company shall not be liable in any way with regard to replies, retweets, comments etc. 查看客户在公司社交媒体上发布的信息.
  • The Company shall not be liable in any way where an issue or dispute has arisen between customers or between a customer and a third party related to the Company's social media.
  • The copyright in comments posted on this Site belong to the customer who has posted them. However, by the posting of comments, the customer has thereby granted the Company the right to use the posted content free of charge and non-exclusively. In addition, it shall be assumed that the customer has consented to not enforce copyright against the Company.

Revised March 2019

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